How long the service life of gas detector?
Time: 2020-10-10 09:44:41
Each gas detector has its own service life, It can 24-hour monitor concentration vibration of various gases without interruptiot in working environment within the service life. But once lifetime expires,the gas detector unable to monitor work normally. In this case, please replace with new gas detector in time.How long can be used of gas detector?Under normal conditions, the service life of gas detector that excellent maintenance can reach 5years.

How to maintain gas detector in our daily use?
1) Periodic calibration
The test precision of gas detector will decrease after being used for one and a half years. So it is very necessary to periodic calibration. Regarding the methods of calibration, you can send back gas detector to the manufacturer,also can send to the professional calibration mechanism.
2)Although the maximum service life of gas detector can reach 5 years, not all gas detectors like this, it depends on sensor based and working environment.If working environment extremely terrible,the service life of gas detector will be relatively shortening. but if working environment relatively ease,and gas detector with excellent maintenance during daily use, the gas detector can work for 5 years. In addition, the sensor of gas detector also affects the service life. If gas detector with catalytic combustion sensor, the service life of gas detector can reaches to 3-5years in an ideal working environment. But if gas detector with electrochemical sensor, the gas detector can be used for 2-3years.