Is it necessary to detect CH4 during tunnel construction?

Time: 2019-04-18 17:29:31


Is it necessary to detect CH4 during tunnel construction?

With the progress of the times and the development of sociel, tunnel and underground works widely used in various fields, such as transportaion logistics,municipal facilities, water power, resource storage, mineral exploration and exploitation, national defense program etc.

Is it necessary to detect CH4 during tunnel construction?

It migh exists toxic gas and harmful gas, like CH4, CO, CO2, H2S,NH3,N3 and other trace rare gases, which all always be major risk factors in construction, exists major safety risks.To guarantee safety in tunnel construction, it is quite necessary to real-time detect concentration of toxic gas in tunnel by gas detector, so that can keep abreast of concentration change.


Toxic gas and harmful gas in tunnel can be divided into two categroeries, combustible gas and toxic gas.


1)The main composition of combustible gas is CH4 and some VOCS, both they are extremely explosive. That is to say, once accumulative combustible gas in tunnel reach the explosive limit, it will happen naked light and electric park, thereby occur to explode.


2)According to different mechanism of action to human body, toxic gas in tunnel can be divided into irritant gas, asphyxiating gas and acute poisoning gas.


In tunnel construction, the most common toxic gas include CH4, CO, CO2, H2S. So, to provide comprehensive, it is necessary to detect toxic gas by multi gas detector.

Is it necessary to detect CH4 during tunnel construction?

